

When I say I got ipv6 working I can imagine you may be asking how that is special and you are right, theoretically at least. Practically I faced a surprising amount of difficulties when I tried to configure my FreeBSD router to get an ipv6 address from my internet service provider. Because of that I configured my OpenVPN to route ipv6 traffic as an intermediate solution. That however also took more time than I would have expected, because there is just not enough documentation on the internet at this point in time and especially when it comes to the question: How to route ipv6 from a jail over an epair device. I mean… Try it, if you like, but I will soon publish an article about that topic here and that could help you to save a lot of time. So either believe me or proof to yourself, that you are more intelligent than me and that you can do the same thing with ease. No problem, only that I refuse to add a comment section to my website, so nobody will ever get to know, except… Wait… You could very well post about your success on some social network. Feel free to do so and do not forget to link my website. I like visitors, but google does not like my site.

Teaser: My favorite IPv6 suffixes for testing purposes #


and here is how you can use aspell to find more:

aspell -d en_US dump master | aspell -l en expand | tr ' ' '\n'  | sort -u | egrep '^[a-fle]*$' | awk '{ print length, $0 }' | sort -n  | less