Note that this page is still under construction and incomplete
I have never found a good way to categorize all the different software projects. That was already blocking me from working on new projects when I made the decision to not try any further. This section will always remain unstructured.
Active #
icon-theme #
My personal icon theme, which I started to create when learning Blender and which I use to mitigate copyright issues I could otherwise have.
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vim-configuration #
My vimrc has become a monster system configuration and goes along with GTK
theme tweaks, adaptions to fontconfig and more.
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vim-fancy-line #
A minimalistic, fast and good looking status- and tabline for Vim.
vim-recently-used #
This plugin shows a list of recently used files from the current directory when starting Vim. There is also a simple command :RecentlyUsed available to update the list after changing to another directory with :cd.
vim-under-the-cursor #
Highlights all occurances of the word under the cursor and displays hex colors within the editor and supports #rgb as well as #rgba.
vim-karlmarks #
Automatically adds signs to the signcolumn in Vim in order to visually indicate jump marks.
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zfs-bash-tools #
This package consists of two scripts at the moment: One to automate backups, the other to unite several datasets into one without loosing snapshots.
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