This is such a mighty tool and it is so sad, that I have not used it more often.
Uptime graph #
gnuplot and perl is 💖
#!/bin/env perl
my $days = 20;
# set terminal dumb size 160, 30;
# set grid;
# set format x "%d.%m.%Y";
gnuplot -p -e '
unset border;
unset key;
set colorsequence classic;
set terminal dumb ansirgb noenhanced size 160,37;
set title "Login duration during the last $days days" font "sans-serif,12";
set xdata time;
set ydata time;
set xtics nomirror rotate 86400 font "sans-serif,8" scale 0;
set ytics nomirror time font "sans-serif,8" scale 0;
set autoscale xfix;
set format x "%a\n|%d\n|%m\n|%y";
set format y "%M:%S";
"-" using (timecolumn(1, "%Y-%m-%d")):(timecolumn(2, "%M:%S")) with impulses lc rgb "#6000ad" lt 6 lw 2,
my $total = 0; my $count = 0;
# TODO: maybe utmpdump /var/log/wtmp is better?
$O = qx[last --time-format iso reboot -R];
$O =~ s/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.*\((\d{2}):(\d{2})\)/$dates{$1}+=(60.0*$2)+$3/eg;
open (W, '|'.$C) or print $!;
@list = reverse sort keys(%dates);
foreach (splice @list, 0, $days) {
my $d = $dates{$_};
my $m = $d % 60;
my $h = ($d - $m) / 60;
$total += $d;
$count ++;
# printf( "%s\t%02d:%02d\n", $_, $h, $m);
printf(W "%s\t%02d:%02d\n", $_, $h, $m);
# $total += 7.5 * 60 + 7.5 * 60 + 10 * 60;
printf("summary: %.2f hours per day during the last $count days\n", $total / $days / 60.0);