Longan Nano Blink

longan nano #

The examples for this Microcontroller do not work any more (framework hell as always) and you get an error message:

HTTPClientError: You do not have permission for this request

Download dependencies elsewhere #

Download everything with gd32.*linux in its name from sourceforge and place it in a new subfolder packages/ of a sample platformio-project, recognizable by a platformio.ini in its root.

Extract and rename files #

Extract the (four) packages and remove from their names everything including and after -linux.

The platformio.ini #

Replace the platformio.ini with this content:

platform = gd32v
board = sipeed-longan-nano
framework = gd32vf103-sdk
platform_packages = framework-gd32vf103-sdk @ file://packages/framework-gd32vf103-sdk
                    toolchain-gd32v @ file://packages/toolchain-gd32v
                    tool-openocd-gd32v @ file://packages/tool-openocd-gd32v
                    tool-gd32vflash @ file://packages/tool-gd32vflash
upload_protocol = dfu

Test if it works:

platformio run  # or `pio run`

Upload the .bin:

pio run --target upload

Sources #

Thanks especially to the following individuals, who spend a lot of time to figure out how it works at the moment. This page summarizes the entire procedure to make it easier for others to follow.

PlatformIO project page RideMyByte, maxgerhardt mamatt
