September 4, 2014
LCDd extension: maxilcd

My LCDd extensions is a simple bash script and it integrates well with lcdproc. Nevertheless it displays things I missed in lcdproc:

  • ip-address
  • hostname
  • hard disk(s) temperatures
  • CPU utilization
  • CPU temperature (alias physical id 0)

Prerequirements #

  • Make sure, that LCDd is running. Your tools:

    vim /etc/lcdd.conf
    systemctl start lcdd
    systemctl status lcdd
    systemctl enable lcdd

    If you see a permission denied error, then a restart helps for an unknown reason.


August 7, 2014
Hackerspace Bielefeld in 3D

Gerade bin ich dabei ein 3D-Modell von diesem etwas schrägen Gebäude herzustellen. Vielleicht demnächst als Level für einen Egoshooter oder zum Planen der Inneneinrichtung. Jedenfalls sieht es schonmal ganz cool aus und schmückt das Wiki vom HSB.



March 17, 2014
Solder fume extractor version 2.0

A 3D printer can sometimes be a substitute for a milling machine. That is now the second version, the first you see in the background.

lötdampf2 lötdampf1

Material #

  • Aktivkohlefilter (130x130mm)
  • 120mm Gehäuselüfter -
  • Netzteil (12V)
  • Gehäuse aus PLA

January 17, 2014
vcf file normalization by email

This little perl file is to convert unique UIDs of VCards into mail=... which is where the claws mail program finds duplicates.


open(FILE, '2014-01-17.vcf');
my $content = join('', <FILE>);

sub found()
        my $vcard = $1;
        if($vcard =~ /^EMAIL.*:(.+)rn/m)
                my $mail = $1;
                $vcard =~ s/UID:.*/UID:mail=$mail\,ou=people\,dc=typesafe\,dc=de/g;
        print qq[$vcardrnrn];

$content =~ s/(BEGIN:VCARD.*?END:VCARD)/found/gmes;

October 2, 2013
Windows 8 license allows surveillance

An important but yet often unnoticed paragraph in the Microsoft license of Windows 8: It is necessary to grant Microsoft access to personal data in order to install it. Some of these ‘features’ can be deactivated later on, but that does not make it any better for me.

